Verve took our crew and equipment to Germany this September to help record the biggest Artist in Germany right now, Helene Fischer, filming her final show of the 70-concert tour “Rausch” at the Festhalle in Frankfurt. The signer teamed up with the internationally renowned performers cirque du soleil to make it an unforgettable and dynamic performance incorporating circus, robotic arms and multiple stages over three hours.
Collaborating closely with local crew , Verve provided over 15 Arri cinema cameras as well as lenses, grip, and our expertise in live telemetry. We journeyed to the mainland of Europe with Crew, Focus Pullers, Camera Assistants, Technicians, Operators, and four full vehicles of kit to help record and support the spectacular performance for SIFI Productions. Hundreds of man hours, technical knowledge and dedication went into producing this project and we can’t wait for the release on digital and physical platforms in 2024.
Unit 3, Glengall Business Centre,
42-47 Glengall Road,
London. SE15 6NF